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FT-891 and the SignaLink USB

6-pin Mini DIN Data Port Connector


This is the correct model needed.

Tigertronics SignaLink Radio Interface Cables SL-CAB6PM

DX Engineering


Yaesu FT-891 has been ordered!

After a long time figuring out what I should order, I finally picked the FT-891 and ordered it. I also ordered two dipoles from Radiowavez, the 40 meter and the 20 meter. Not sure what antenna tuner I'll choose, but I'm thinking about going with the LDG Z-100 Plus. I'm very excited!

Almost everything you need right here!

From my QTH the radio will be powered by a Yaesu FP-1030A power supply. Ordering an antenna tuner and a SignaLink USB soon. 


Ham radio operators coming to rescue for Puerto Rico

Radio provides a critical lifeline to tens of thousands of people affected by the hurricane in Puerto Rico. The first video is a news story from WTNH News8 about radio operators helping in the recovery effort. The second video is in Spanish.